5 min readJan 13, 2021

In recent weeks, the largest tech providers have all turned into ‘the de facto arbiter of free speech,” according to Elon, after Facebook, Twitter, Instagram all banned President Donald Trump within a 24 hour period.

Trumps supporters, as well as other Conservative voices, had sort refuge on the increasingly popular app Parler, but the West Coast Tech Mob quickly pounced. In one seemingly foul swoop, Parler were taken off Apple’s and Google’s app stores, making Parler unobtainable on most devices. In addition, Amazon’s web hosting company ended their services, effectively making Parler a non entity in a flash.

Even to most the ignorant observers, it’s becoming painfully evident that the Tech mobsters are growing tyrannical with power.

However, a fight back has begun!

A small Idaho Internet Service Provider (ISP) protested their censorship by prohibiting its users from accessing Twitter and Facebook.

“It has come to our attention that Twitter and Facebook are engaged in censorship of our customers and information,” Priest River, Idaho ISP Your T1 WIFI told its subscribers in an email.

Facebook and Twitter can censor all they want, but if the Internet providers aren’t beaming their platforms to the users devices, they will ultimately have no business. It’s the users who are the social media’s PRODUCT AND REVENUE STREAMS. Without them, the West Coast Tech Mob are TOAST.

So now, it is becoming clear how the order of the tech world operates. Social media giants believe they can censor information that does not coincide with their ‘community guidlines.’ Let me rephrase, ‘CoMmUnItY gUiDlInEs,” meaning, information they approve of you seeing, hearing and saying. But, if the ISP’s start blocking their services as a result …….. they’ll be forced to scurry back to open realms of free speech, or face losing their life line of users (money).

Unfortunately, the ISP in Kansas that stood up to Facebook and Twitter is small, and some of its disgruntled users will probably go to another ISP. These other ISP’s will obviously welcome the new business.

So how can the Mob be taken on when there are 2737 ISP providers in the U.S alone……? Getting competitors to unite is a battle, when some are even proponents of censoring…

Luckily, there is a solution!

But someone loses out...

That is because of Elon Musk’s entrepreneurship. In the future, most of the 2737 ISP’s will be struggling to compete for business.

Elon Musk’s “Starlink will provide fast, reliable internet to populations with little or no connectivity, including those in rural communities and places where existing services are too expensive or unreliable.”

But first, it is important to note that Starlink isnt the only ISP beaming from space. Tech companies like OneWeb and Amazon hope to launch tens of thousands of ISP satellites into low-Earth orbit over the next decade.

As with many industries, ESPECIALLY the tech industry, only the major players survive and thrive. So when Super fast Internet is beamed from above, allowing it’s user to access Internet from anywhere in the world, the smaller and middle sized ISP’s will naturally fold. They simply cannot compete with the larger and better.

But there is a silver lining to the demise of most ISP’s.

Eventually, Starlink will supply a huge percentage of the worlds Internet. Musks global ISP will be a major carrier of users to the West Coast Tech Mob.

Here are his words regarding free speech and censorship.

“A lot of people are going to be super unhappy with West Coast high tech as the de facto arbiter of free speech,” Musk Tweeted after Trump’s Twitter ban.

“West Coast high tech has to make the distinction between banning hate speech and banning speech it hates,” Musk Tweeted in response to Big Tech’s censoring of speech.

Sadly, the war at hand is a battle of ego’s and power. It’s due to Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerburg, and other West Coast Tech Mobsters, who’m feel entitled to wield their political and social power. It is demonstrated by their growing elimination of all political and social viewpoints that fail to massage theirs. Ultimately, no long winded essay is needed to show that they arrogantly look down on the opposing and or typical person.

But Musk is a saviour

It’s evident that Elon want’s to leave a lasting legacy whilst maintaining a benevolent impression. He’s incredibly active on the celebrity and social scenes, and regularly appears on cultural hubs, such as Joe Rogan. Ultimately, he want’s to be liked.

Free speech and growing censorship is on everyones minds. We all know who to blame, but we can’t do anything about it, and it’s annoying a huge number of people.

In due course, Elon will be in control of the worlds most dominant ISP. He’s stated that by 2027 he want’s the entire planet to be receiving his signal.

For the first time in the West Coast Tech Mobsters existence, there will be a person wielding more power than them. It is Elon who will be in a position of superiority when he holds the reigns to Starlink that carries the most expansive signal to devices. I suspect the WCTB will have to learn how to place nicely particularly quickly. He will want to ensure free speech is maintained, and he has to the power to enforce it.

Of course, people will suggest that the WCTB can build their own ISP using their mountains of cash. But that would only occur if they couldn’t implement what they impose now, and if it’s a battle between free internet and censored….well, they’ve lost! And thus it’s economically non viable to do so.

Freedom lies with Elon. (Bezos and the others hopefully, but after Parler and Amazon, can Bezos be trusted…?)

Racism, violent terrorism and all that bad stuff should of course be removed. But getting back to a more understanding considerate virtual space is a must.




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